Saturday, January 30, 2010
thumb: found!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Sorry for the delay.
January has been dragging, and we've been slack'n on the post, so I do apologize.
Sweet pea, Shirley, has been so good to her mom and dad.
She sleeps straight through the night, and then some.
She takes her bottle a bit better than she did before.
And she's cuter than ever.
Please stay tuned for more, very soon, and video posts for sure.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
thumbs, smiles and freedom
oh yeah. we got a flip video camera. its awesome!
anyway,back to shirley.
so, yes, shirley is smiling, cooing and lifting her head even more, but the best thing that has happened is that she has found her thumb. now, she can't find her thumb every time, but she finds it more and more often every day. yes, it is wonderful that she is quickly discovering her fingers and toes (she loves looking at her feet in the bathtub), but it is even more wonderful that soon we won't need to give her a pacifier (and pick it up and wash it off every time it falls out of her mouth) - she's got her thumb! last night she even fell asleep with her thumb in her mouth. it was adorable beyond words.
and lastly, today all 3 of us had our first family outing to the grocery store! shirley did great. she slept through most of it, but woke up towards the end. she was quiet and alert, and i think she really enjoyed all the new smells!
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Happy New Year Shirley!
Pretty good way to start the year if you ask me.
Shirley has been keeping her mom and dad on their toes in the evenings, during bedtime, the past few nights.
And last night was no exception.
While dad was in Shirley's room rocking the babe to sleep for what seemed like an eternity, mom invited her evil twin over for internet mischief with the cats.

Photo Fun: H. Pearson